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North west Yunnan China May 1928 [[in right margin beside first entry]] May [[underlined]]1928. 16001 Primula sp? plain of Youngning near Wualapis elev. 9300 ft flowers purplish 16002 Crataegus shrub 6-12 ft. flowers white along streams Youngning plain Wualapi; 9200 ft 16003 Pyrus sp? tree 15 ft. flowers white, Vudju, Muli territory Szechuan, elev. 10000 ft May 24th 16004 Rhodod. sp? flowers purplish blue alpine or swampy meadows of Vudju S.W. Szech., Muli territory, elev. 10000 ft May 24th 1928. 16005 Rhodod. sp? flowers in small globose heads pink, same loc. as 16004 May 24th 1928 16006 Rhodod. sp? shrub 2 ft flowers purplish blue, meadows of Vudju elev. 10000 ft. May 24th. 16007 Rhod. sp? shrub 8 ft flowers large pinkish white leaves dull forest north of Vudju S.W. Szech. Muli road elev. 11000 ft May 25th 16008 Iridac. herb flowers yellow on alpine meadow elev. 11500 ft below Mt. Giboh May 25th photographed meadows. 16009 Iridac herb flowers purple same loc. as 16008 neg. 140. 16010 Syringa sp? shrub 4 ft along [[Louwan?]] stream below Mt. Giboh elev. 10000 ft. flowes pale lavender May 25th 1928 [[end page]] [[start page]] S. West Szechuan Muli Territory May - June 1928 [[page is otherwise blank]]