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S.W. Szechuan Muli Territory northern and southern slopes of Mt. Giboh, Muli - Young - ning watershed, elev. 13000 - 13300 ft. May 25th 1928. J. F. Rock 16021 Primula sp? flowers dull purple, alpine meadows of Mt. Giboh, elev. 13000 ft especially along trail, S.W. Szechuan. May 25th 1928 16022 Incarvillea, sp? flowers magenta red, on muddy gravelly slopes (northern slopes) of Mt. Giboh, elev. 13000 ft. 16023 Salix sp? shrub 6-8 ft. forest outskirts of Mt. Giboh, elev. 13000 ft. 16024 Rhodod. Sp? shrub 10 ft. flowers pink, in company with Salix no 16023 and Abies etc. Mt. Giboh, 13000 ft elev. May 25th/28 16025 Primula Sp? flowers pale purplish blue with yellow eye, swampy grassland on edge of fir forests 13000 ft. on Mt. Giboh. May 25th 16026 Ranunculac. herb. flowers deep yellow leaves large as is root stock in shady banks in fir forest on Mt. Giboh, elev. 13200 ft. 16027 Primula sonchifolia, flowers delicate purple with yellow eye. in moss shaded fir forests of Mt. Giboh, elev. 13000 ft. 16028 Primula sp? flowers drooping purple in alpine meadows northern slopes of Mt. Giboh, elev 13000 ft. May 25/1928. 16029 Rhodod. sp? shrub 4-5 ft. flowers deep pink, Mt. Giboh fir forests, elev. 13000 ft. May 25th 1928. 16030 Euonymus sp? shrub 5-10 ft. flowers pale yellow, outskirts of Quercus semecarpifolia forests elev. 11500 ft. south slopes of Mt. Giboh. May 25th/28