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[[start of page]] 16091 Primula sp? flowers pale purplish blue, leaves small yellowish green beneath. slopes of Mt. Mitzuga elev. 11500 ft. 16092 Cotoneaster sp? shrub 4-5 ft. flowers pinkish, elev. 10000 ft. along trail slopes of Mt. Mitzuga. 16093 Lonicera sp? shrub 8 ft. fruits red, slopes of Mt. Mitzuga, elev. 11000 ft. 16094 Cotoneaster sp? shrub 3 ft, flowers red, rocky slopes 10000 ft. Mt. Mitzuga. 16095 Ranunculac. flowers yellow, slopes of Mt. Mitzuga western slopes, meadows. 16096 Salix sp? shrub 4-6 ft., western slopes of Mt. Mitzuga, elev. 10000 ft. 16097 Rhodod. sp? shrub 3-4 ft. flowers white Mt. Mitzuga rocky slopes. 13000 ft. 16098 Rhodod. sp? shrub 3-4 ft. flowers purplish pink, same loc. as 16097 16099 Rhod. sp? shrub 2-3 ft. flowers small white with pinkish tinge, same loc. as 16097. 16100 Rhodod. sp? shrub 4 ft. flowers cream-colored, rocky slopes of Mt. Mitzuga, elev. 11000 ft. [[end of page]]