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16101 Primula sp? flowers deep purple in Fir forest and alpine meadows of Mt. Mitzuga 13000 ft elev. 16102 Orchid, flowers yellow, meadows of Mt. Mitzuga, elev. 10000 ft. Mt. Mitzuga. 16103 herb, flowers blue, same loc. as 16102. 16104 Liliac. plant flowers large yellow, same loc. as 16102. 16105 Tsuga sp? tree 40 ft. forests of Mt. Mitzuga 11000 ft. 16106 Shrub, 1 ft. tall flowers reddish, lower slopes of Mt. Mitzuga elev. 10000 ft. 16107 Arisaema sp? flowers white grassy slopes of Mt. Mitzuga, elev. 10000 ft. 16108 Labiate, plant 2 ft. flowers yellowish-purplish same loc. as 16107. 16109 Asclepiad. vine flowers yellowish - purplish tinge. same loc. as 16107. 16110 Peonia sp? shrub 1 - 2 ft. flowers yellow, same loc. 16107.