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16131 Shrub 5 - 10 ft. flowers small in pendant [[raceme?]] in Litang river valley elev. 7500 ft. June 1928. Muli. 16132 Rhodod. sp? tree 15 - 20 ft. with long straggling branches leaves large. this species flowers early; in hemlock, Tsuga forest of Mt. Mitzuga 11000 ft elev: June 1928. 16133 Quercus semicarpifolia, shrub 2 ft. Muli valley 9000 ft. elev. June 1926. 16134 Euonymus sp? tree 10 - 15 ft. flowers yellow, same loc. as 16133. 16135 Tree 10 - 20 ft. flowers white same loc. as 16133. 16136 Rhodod. sp? shrub 2 - 4 ft. flowers pale lavender, Litang river valley, Muli, elev. 10000 ft. June 1928. 16137 herb flowers white dry rocky slopes of Litang river valley elev. 10000 ft. Muli. 16138 Cotoneaster sp? shrub 4 - 5 ft. flowers white same loc. as 16137. 16139 Prunus sp? [[strikethrough]] Tree [[/strikethrough]] shrub 4 - 5 ft Muli Valley Litang river elev. 10000 ft. June 1928, flowers white seeds sent. 16140 Meliosma sp? Litang river valley slopes flowers cream-colored elev. 8000 ft. June 1928.