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16141 Acer sp? tree 15-20 ft. Litang river valley elev 9000 ft. June 1928. north of Muli 16142 Cornus sp? tree 15-20 ft. flowers white same loc. as 16141. 16143 Juniperus sp? shrub 4-5 ft. same loc. as 16141. 16144 Cotoneaster sp? shrub 3-4 ft. " " " 16145 herb flowers white moist banks same loc. as 16141. 16146 Cotoneaster sp? shrub 3-4 ft flowers white Litang river valley north of Muli. elev. 9000 ft. 16147 Cotoneaster sp? shrub 4-5 ft flowers? same locality as 16146. 16148 Rhododendron sp? shrub 1-2 ft, flowers bluish purple, dry slopes of Muli valley elev. 9600 ft June 1928. _____________________________________ 16149 Lichens, forests of Djaga east of Muli -- spruce forest elev. 11000 ft. June 1928. 16150 [[Diapeltis?]] sp? forests of Djaga, same loc. as 16149. flowers cream-colored orange tinge.