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16431 Rheum Alexandri. in marshy meadows, elev. 13000 ft. Kulu. bracts cream-colored. 

16432 Meconopsis sp? flowers lavender purple, in fir and Rhododendron forest mountain of Kulu 13500 ft. 

16433 Primula sp? flowers lavender, in fir and Rhod. moss forest 14000 ft Kulu. 

16434 Rhododendron sp? shrub 8 ft. leaves broad oval, flowers white. forests of Kulu 14000 ft. 

16435 Salix sp? shrub 4 ft, alpine meadows of Kulu. 

16436 Iris sp? flowers purple, alpine meadows of Kulu 13500 ft. 

16437 Salix sp? shrub 2-3 ft. same loc. as 16435. 

16438 Lonicera sp? flowers yellow, shrub 1-2 ft. alpine region of Kulu. 

16439 herb flowers cream colored on cliffs mountain of Kulu. 

16440 Ribes? shrub 3-5 ft flowers white, forests of Kulu, 12000 ft. 
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