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16521 Potentilla, flowers yellow, alpine meadows, 14000 ft. Muli Mountain. 

16522 Gnaphalium sp? on bowlders and crags, elev. 14000 ft. Muli Mts. 

16523 Berberis sp? shrub 3 ft. meadows of Muli mountains, elev. 11000 ft. 

16524 Salvia sp? flowers bluish purple, fir forests of Muli, 12500 ft. 

16525 Pontentilla fruticosa, alpine region meadows of Mt. Mitzuga 14500 ft. 

16526 " " " " prostrate shrub fl. yellow, leaves minute, 14500-15000 ft. 

16527 Legum. plant, flowers purple, in alpine meadows of Muli, elev. 14000 ft. 

16528 Crucifer. flowers purplish lavender, among rocks and bowlders, 14500 ft Mts. of Muli. 

16529 herb, flower reddish brown same loc. as 16528 

16530 herb, flowers white, on screes, 15000 ft back of Muli. 
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