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16931 herb, prostrate flowers blue, Belimi valley south of Waerhdje and beyond Soronkong elev. 14000 ft

16932 Leguminous vine fl. yellow, Baude valley one day northeast of Muli, elev. 10500 ft.

16933 Abies sp? tree in Belimi valley 14000 ft elev. one day south of Waerhdje tree 50-80 ft. on margin of swampy meadows. 

16934 Leontopodium sp? grassy slopes in pine forests 11000 ft. southern slopes of Gibboh mountain near Vuolju. (Muli territory). Aug. 1928

16935 Lobeliac. vine on shrubs along stream bed Lohwan south of Gibboh elev. 10000 ft. flowers pale yellow. Aug. 1928. 

16936 Legum. same loc. as 16935 flowers purple. 

16937 Campanul. herb flowers blue grassy banks in pine forests Aug. 1928 11000 ft. same loc. as 16934. 

16938 Delphinium sp? flowers purplish blue, grassy slopes Mt. Gibboh 12500 ft. Aug. 1928. 

16939 Delphinium sp? fl. a dull brownish purple " " " "

16940 Senecio sp? among limestone bowlders Mt. Gibboh 12500 ft. fl. yellow Aug. 1928. 
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