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Collected on Hung ugai shan [[image - 3 Chinese characters]] north of Litiping. July 1928. 

17131 Rhod. sp? shrub 5 - 8 ft. leaves small elliptical, glabrous cordate, flowers small pale blue. in fir and spruce forest 11500 ft. 

17132 Iris sp? flowers blue, in swampy meadows 111500 ft. 

17133 Rhodod. sp? leaves small oval acute at both ends glabrous, flowers purple, shrub 8 - 10 ft. fir forest and among spruces 11000 ft. 

17134 Rhodod. sp? shrub 1 - 2 ft, leaves small narrow elliptical pale brown beneath, flowers blue. alpine meadows 11000 ft. 

17135 Rhodod. sp? shrub 2 - 3 ft, leaves as before, but dark brown beneath, flowers pale blue, alpine meadows 11500 ft. 

17136 Rhod. sp? shrub 8 - 10 ft. leaves oblong pale glabrous beneath, flowers lemon yellow, in spruce forests elev 11500 ft. 

17137 Iris sp? plant small, flowers purplish blue, alpine meadows, 11500 ft. 

17138 Primula sp? flowers blue with purplish tinge. alpine meadows 11500 ft. 

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Collected on Wei hsi mountain. July 1928. 

17139 Betula sp? tree 20 ft. bark white? spruce forest 11500 ft

17140 Tree 10 - 15 ft tall, leaves small elliptical rich green, flowers golden yellow in apiple racemes, in spruce forest 11000 ft.