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17421 herb flowers white grassy slopes in Yatsa Kong Muli territory opposite Baurong, Yalung gorge. July 1929. 

17422 Bignoniac. plant flowers purplish blue shady banks in Yatsa Kong same locality as 17421

17423 Leguminous shrub 5 - 8 ft. flowers purplish pink, same loc. as 17421. 

17424 Primula sp? flowers purplish blue, dry banks in pine forest [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] in Yatsa Kong (valley) elev. 11200 ft. July 1929. 

17425 Legume, terestrial twiner, flowers purplish blue. elev 11000 ft in Yatsa Kong, Jul, 1929 

17426 Rhododendron sp? shrub 2 - 3 ft. alpine regions of Wadzauron Muli-Tatsieulu border [[strikethrough]] 15600 [[/strikethrough]] ft. east of Yalung. flowers pink 14000 - 15000 ft. above Muudon. 

17427 Composite, pine forest of Seyain-Kong Chiu lung hsien territory, Yalung watershed. 10000 ft. May 1929. 

17428 Rhododendron shrub 4 - 5 ft. flowers pale yellow. under spruce trees in Brüdo Kong near Chiu lung khsien 10600 ft. May 1929. 

17429 Rhododendron sp? shrub 10 ft. flowers deep purple. Brüdo Kong May 1929. 

17430 Rhodod sp? tree 15 ft. flowers whitish pink, valley of Brüdokong near Chiu lung hsien. [[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] May 1929.