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Collected between Ngaza and Heshwe, mixed forest on slopes of deep ravine June 1923. J.F.R. elev. 10000 ft. 

[strikethrough] 16710 [/strikethrough] 8985 Primula sp? flowers lavender plurple. on moist banks in shade. 

[strikethrough] 16711 [/strikethrough] 8986 [[strikethrough]] Pseudo [[/strikethrough]] Tsuga sp? tree 40 - 50 ft with spreading branches fruits larger than of [[strikethrough]] Pseudo [[/strikethrough]] Tsuga Yunnanensis. same loc. 8985. in mixed forest. 

[strikethrough] 16712 [/strikethrough] 8987 Hydrangea sp? shrub or small tree 15 ft. bracts cream-colored. 

[strikethrough] 16713 [/strikethrough] 8988 Primula Bulleyana, flowers deep yellow. in swampy meadows at Heshwe with Pr. Poissonii. (negative no 317 & 318. photographed this plant. 

[strikethrough] 16714 [/strikethrough] 8989 Primula Bulleyana same locality, flowers rose red with slight yellow tinge. 

[strikethrough] 16715 [/strikethrough] 8990 Salvia sp? flowers in terminal racemes, large, pale whitish lavender with purple marking, basal leaves large rich green, in pine forest above Heshwe. 

[strikethrough] 16716 [/strikethrough] 8991 Incarvillea grandiflora on alpine meadows of Gussuko Eastern slopes of Mt Dyinaloko. elev. 11500-12000 ft. 

[strikethrough] 16717 [/strikethrough] 8992 Senecio sp? flowers small ray-florets wanting. same loc. as 8991. 

[strikethrough] 16718 [/strikethrough] 8993 Meconopsis Forrestii?  flowers a pale sky-blue, common in alpine meadows of Mt. Dyinaloko Yussuko elev. 12000 ft.. 

[strikethrough] 16719 [/strikethrough] 8994 Composite flowers rich yellow same loc. as 8993.

Transcription Notes:
2014-09-21-VL: Added strikethrough numbers. Rest of info looks ready to complete.