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[[underlined]] Journal [[/underlined]] 2 [[underlined]] March 17. [[/underlined]] Daylight as we came near St. Louis. Cold & clear, snow about one inch. [[?]] ice in river. Arrived St. Louis 7:30 A.M. Left for Kansas City 9 A.M. Warming up. snow disappearing on warm slopes. A few meadowlarks, [[flislars?]] & robins seen. Two bobwhites were very conspicuous standing on snow among weeds under R.R. fence. Stood very still as the train went by. Lots of ducks in Mo. R. but could not identify them. A few gulls seen. Lots of crows. One sparrow hawk. Sparrows in weeds not identified. Reached Kansas City at 5:15 & left at 6:20 on U.P. for Denver. Soon dark. [[underlined]] March 18. [[/underlined]] Woke upon open plains - nothing but snow in sight on all sides. apparently 3 or 4 inches deep - cold, wind blowing, air full of fine snow, blown up from surface, seems like cloud or fog.