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[[underline]] 3. Journal [[/underline]] Reached Cheyenne Wells about 8 A.M. for breakfast. A few rabbit & coyote tracks, lots of horned larks. Fences full of tumble weeds. Cattle drifted into humped-up bunches along fence toward wind, hair full of snow, tails to wind, heads down & backs up looks lonely and sad. [[image - ink drawing of cow in position described in previous text]]. Prairie dog holes full of snow but the mounds show plainly. None of the PDs have been out since the snow. No tracks or signs. Lots of [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] [[?]] kills & some pretty fresh ones apparently made while it was snowing. At Kit Carson saw one jack rabbit but was not sure whether [[underline]] campestris [[/underline ]] or [[underline]] melanotis [[/underline]]. It was light but not white & probably was [[underline]] melanotis [[/underline]]. Ran into a weed patch near a ranch & not far from brushy bottoms. Coyotes are reported by the brakeman as common along here. [[underline]] Hugo - Colorado [[/underline]] - snow getting deeper, 5 or 6 inches on a [[?]] &