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[[underline]] 4. Journal [[/underline]] drifted to top of snow fences in places. Air thick with snow. Can't tell whether it is snowing down or blowing up. Horned larks are the only live and happy things to be seen. They run over the snow or snuggle up behind a weed & puff their feathers till they look like snowballs. Lots of flocks, large & small, go bobbing along with a jolly swing to their flight. In every way they seem happy. There is said to be a herd of antelope in the big pasture north of Hugo. The train runs smoothly & noiselessly - with only a muffled purr, there is no dust or dirt. the air outside is purity itself, in the car clean but a little too warm. The car is only half filled, so I have a section to myself. I never enjoyed such luxurious travelling. Just for comfort travel in winter. If you have seen all the country in summer go over it again in winter & you will see a new world.