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[[underline]] 8. Journal [[/underline]]

[[underline]] Rock Springs [[/underline]] - saw the first junipers, a few scrubby trees along high slope south of R.R. Saw Ephedra along base of cliff.  Farther along saw several miles of junipers along high cliff on the north nearly to Green River.  [[underline]] Eutamias minimus [[/underline]], lots of little tracks, evidently of this little chipmunk along cliffs & ledges between Rock Springs & Green River.

Reached Green River at 11 & had to wait till 3 P.M.  Went up to store and talked with freighters & sheep men & got some good notes.  The river is frozen over & covered with snow.  It was 10 below zero here this morning [[strikethrough]] last night [[/strikethrough]] 17 below [[strikethrough]] night before [[/strikethrough]] yesterday morning and 20 below the day before.
Otoeoris are very numerous all over town & you almost step on them in the streets.  They are also abundant all along the way, often in flocks of 50 or more.  Green river is as desolate in winter as in summer.  It couldnt be more so.