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[[underline]] 11. Journal. [[/underline]] [[underline]] Cynomys leucurus [[/underline] - Common out on the snow. Said to have been out all the time for 2 weeks & seen on coldest days. Not barking - very tame. 2 killed, both males in fine fur with big bushy pure white tails. Moderately fat, stomachs contained a little yellow vegetation. That seems to be twigs of sage or atriplex or some of the little bushes. [[underline]] Peromyscus [[/underline]]. One caught in road on 2 feet of snow. Tracks seen all along. [[underline]] Citellus elegans [[/underline]] - Said to be common but not out yet. [[underline]] Citelleus t. parvus [[/underline]] - Said to be common but not out yet. [[underline]] Eutamias minimus [[/underline]]. Said to be common but not out yet. [[underline]] Lepus baileyi [[/underline]] - Very abundant, hundreds seen sitting in the snow, often sit within 10 feet as we go by. seen nibbling bush & weed tips, one killed was very poor but very heavily furred. They sit near holes & tracks run into holes & rocks & under snow in sagebrush. Bigelovia eaten.