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Fremont lake is a glacial trough one to 2 miles wide & 12 miles long, reaching back into the Mts. between great lateral morains 1000 feet high in places & farther back with rock walls.  It offers superb camping grounds toward the upper end.

Elk tracks were fresh all around the wolf den and Glover showed me [[strikethrough]] base [[/strikethrough]] steep rocky slopes on both sides of the lake where elk winter and find good feed out of reach of stock.  The grass on these steep slopes of morains was abundant and is [[strikethrough]] already [[/strikethrough]] becoming green from this years growth.  A few bones in the wolf den may have been of elk, but the hair composing the old wolf droppings seemed all to be of horses & cattle. 

The old wolf caught & ate a rough grouse on her way in to the den. She had eaten a jack rabbit on the trail at a previous meal.  Some old feathers of a bluegrouse were found in the den.