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As we came near Pinedale, very tired from our loads of wolves & sat down on a stone to rest.  Glover remarked that he was sorry I didn't drink, because if I did we'd have a "half of a drink of whisky when we got in".  He did have with the rest of the boys while I was skinning my wolves.

[[underlined]] April 10 [[/underlined]] - Started from Glovers ranch, near Cora, at sunrise on a hard crust (too hard for good tracking), picked up Mr. Borum, another ranger at Bennings ranch - 3 miles above - & went up to the sawmill 15 miles north of Cora on Willow Creek.  Here the rangers have a cabin in the aspens & murry pines on the side of the mts. with a beautiful body of timber around them.  The cabin is just within the lower edge of the timber which extends back up the slope in a dense growth of Murry Pine scattered P. flexilis , Pseudotsuga, Pinea pungens, Abies concolor ? & aspens