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[[underline]] April 11 [[/underline]] - Got up before daylight & found half an inch of fresh snow but much to our disappointment found [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] it had not frozen & the old snow was ^[too] soft for good snowshoeing.  The rangers decided not to leave camp so I started alone for Alexanders ranch, over on Green River.  6 miles N.W. found it slow travelling & reached the ranch about 10 A.M.  Staid to dinner & talked wolves & examined 3 beautiful kins the boys had taken during the winter.  They had followed them up & and had shot them, but at Charles & Frank Alexanders ranches lower down the valley I found 5 more [[strikethrough]] wolf [[/strikethrough]] skins of wolves shot or run down on horses.  Unlike most of the ranchers the Alexander boys are energetic, intelligent fellows & they get more wolves than any one else in the country.  The old people at the upper ranch are fine types of intelligent frontier people.  Their youngest son, Will, is still with them.  The boys have lots of fine photos & many interesting specimens of heads & skins.