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[[underlined]] 79. Journal [[/underlined]]
[[underlined]] May 5. [[/underlined]] Left Rawlins at 8:30, & got to Laramie for dinner at 12.  The cottonwood valleys of the North Platt & Laramie Rivers ought to be worked for upper sonoran species.  Laramie plains are probably transition, tho there is little but grass to go by. 
At Sherman we found a little snow on the ground from the storm in the night and on the east slope of the Laramie Mts. it increased to a good tracking snow.  Just at the lower edge of the snow the prairie mounds were very numerous & continuous where the snow had melted off the warm sides.  They are the typical prairie mounds, one to two feet high & 20 to 30 feet wide [[crese?]] most numerous about 15 miles before we reached Cheyenne, but a few are scattered all along.
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