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south slope is mainly Upper Sonoran with juniper & nut pine & [[underline]] Cercocarpus parvifolia [[/underline]].  Water begins & runs in the creek about 3 miles below the GOS ranch, but at the ranch a big, shallow well furnishes an abundance of good water.

No attempt to crops or even garden is made but the cattle range is ideal, with abundance of grass for both winter & summer and rarely any snow.  Most of the cattle are shipped when 2 & 3 year old to be fed on "beef range" in Colo. or Kansas, within easy reach of market.  The distance & country between here & shipping points render shipment of beef cattle unprofitable.

Found the GOS a typical, well to do ranch.  Was taken in charge by the book keeper, Mr. Leavenworth, and made to feel at home.