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[[underlined]] 78. May 1. [[/underlined]] Worked all of forenoon making out my April expense account - $102.  In afternoon got a saddle horse & rode 6 or 8 miles east to row of rocky hills and followed crests of ridges for wolf tracks.  Found none nor any signs of wolves, but drove an old coyote from his den & could have found it if I had taken time to hunt for it.  [[strikethrough]] It was [[/strikethrough]]
    Country all sheeped over, on a section leased from Indian Reserve.  Grass good.  Sagebrush plains & ridges.
    Found a golden eagle, dead, shot or poisoned.  Saw lots of Salpinctes - the first for this spring. A few Sialia arctica, mourning doves and Sayornis.