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St. Lucia I. 1 III-22-36 I spent most of the time on the passage from Barbados to St. Lucia working on the index to volume 3 of this journal. We also talked some with Mr. Bailey and Mrs. Williamson, whom we had met at the Skilstone's, and who continued on the Nerissa to Trinidad and return. The boat came alongside the dock at about 12:30 A.M. We waited a few minutes for the baggage. Then a porter from the Hotel St.Antoine came up and took us to the Customs House. There the letter from the gov't. got us by without any trouble, and we were driven up to the hotel. We were given a large room with private bath, but at the minimum rate. III-23-36 The first thing this morning was to decide on a place to stay. The hotel rates seemed quite high, but when we said we would have to find a place for much less, Miss Lockhart seemed very anxious to meet our price. She said they had a small cottage that they rent for $20 a month, and give board for $1.00 a day apiece. This would total $80.00 a month for us both. As we can't expect to do better than that, we inspected the "cottage" and decided to take it. It has two rooms and shower, but no sanitary facilities; - complete maid service, of course.