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[[preprinted]] 4 [[/preprinted]] St. Lucia 4. Spent the rest of the morning cataloguing the paper. After lunch we walked down to town. Got some of the new postage stamps, went to the library, and went to see Peter. Tried to get some large envelopes to mail the separates, but couldn't get any. Inquired for Stanley John, naturalist who was recommended by Prof. Danforth. He is interested in birds, and may be able to get me some skeletons to take to Wetmore. Box also spoke well of him. III-27-36 This morning I explored the northern road to its end at Gros Islet. Passed one or two pastures that look promising, and several streams. The beaches are all perfectly clean. As I passed through Castries I stopped to get air at the only garage that has a compressor. They couldn't find a pressure [[strikethrough]] guage [[/strikethrough]] guage, so I had to do without. Returned an hour before lunch, and found Ruth rather upset by the loss of sleep the last night or two, which was occasioned by noises about the house. I think [[strikethrough]] they were [[/strikethrough]] it was partly caused by annoyance at the flying insects. After lunch two men came down to try to get rid of the mice, rats, or whatever is causing the noise. As usual, they're any- [[end page]] [[start page]] [[preprinted]] 5 [[/preprinted]] thing but efficient, and the results may not be strikingly obvious. We may have to move, but I don't know where to. Found a lot of white fungi (rather dry) on a log near the hotel. Put some of them in a paper bag to keep till whatever is there has died. This is [[underline]]Station 205[[/underline]]. [[written in margin]] A [[/margin]] Hotel St. Antoine, Castries, St. Lucia. Fungus, and [[written in margin]] B [[/margin]] flying to lights. This latter will be kept open during our stay here. The contents of the former will be listed later. I have one or two more errors in my thesis as published. On page 82 in caption of Fig. 28, K should be [[underline]] Philonthus politus [[/underline]] (Linn.) since P. aeneus (Rossi) is now considered a synonym. This has already been corrected in the list of species at the end. On page 5, line 21 "is" should read "are". In the list of species [[underline]] Pseudopsis obliterata [[/underline]] should be added, I believe to the Amaliini. On fig. 9C, [[underline]] ptar [[/underline]] should be [[underline]] ptgr [[/underline]] (or tt. 9). We have rearranged our bedroom today, and I hope now Ruth will be able to rest better. This house is not exactly vermin-proof, but our mosquito bars should keep everything off at night. III-28-36 Had breakfast a little early today, after a somewhat better night. Two of the men at the hotel started out to drive to Soufrière (town) and climb the mt. They wore ordinary clothes and shoes, and took