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[[preprinted ]] 6 [[/preprinted]] St. Lucia 6. a huge lunch. They may be able to report on the road - it is 60 miles, clear around the island. By nine I was dressed and ready to go out too. I rode along the main road through the Cul de Sac Valley, over the ridge, and almost to Dennery. I stopped to collect in a pasture at [[underlined]] Station 206. [[/underlined]] About 1 mile north of Dennery on the east coast. In dung in a small pasture found 3 [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] Staphs (Paederinae - 1, Xantholininae (large) - 1, Aleocharinae - 1), and 8 [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]]. The dung was scarce and rather dry. This road is fairly good, and goes through some fine country. Real tropical forest, with many tree fern[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]], palmo, bromeliads, etc., etc., but there is more or less cultivation mixed in. I spent the afternoon writing letters. These were to True, American Consul at Martinique, Dr. Meyer[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] of Dormstadt - Germany, Dr. Fenyeo, Violet Cavell. III-29-36 Mr. Box invited me to go out into the forest with him today. We left at 8:30, but stopped at his lab in the Cul de Sac Valley to get some equipment. Then we crossed the ridge into the Roseau Valley - principal sugarcane center, by way of the road to Anse La Raye. We turned east on an unmarked road that follows the right bank of the Roseau River for about six miles. [[end page]] [[start page]] 7 The road finally ended at an elevation of about 350 ft. at the edge of the virgin forest. We picked up a native boy to carry our lunches and a plant press, and then walked southward from the end of the road. From a hill we got a fine view of Morne Gimie, the highest peak on the island, - 3145 ft. (Pronounced with French G - zzh.). [[underlined]] Station 207. [[/underlined]] Bridge over Millette River just above its junction [[written in margin]] A [[/margin]] with the Roseau River. Inside a rotten coconut husk found 6 Staphs (Piestinae - 5, Aleocharinae - 1), 7 Forficulids, and several Myriapods. In decaying [[written in margin]] B [[/margin]] banana stems found 14 Staphs (Piestinae - 1, Omaliinae - 6, Paederinae - 6, Aleocharinae - 1), and 5 Forficulids. [[written in margin]] C [[/margin]] Under stones and excrement along a stream found 6 Staphs (Paederinae - 1 and 1 and 1, Aleocharinae - 2 and 1), 2 Coprinae, and 3 Forficulids (two very large). Also 2 small hemispherical beetles. [[underlined]] Station 208. [[/underlined]] About 1 mile south of sta. 207, elev. 750 ft. [[written in margin]] A [[/margin]] In fungus on a log found three species of Staphs, apparently all Aleocharinae (about 37 specimens). [[written in margin]] B [[/margin]] Under bark of fallen log found 7 Staphs (Omaliinae - 6 and 1, both species slender, parallel, and flat, and may be Piestinae), 3 Bostrychids, and 2 Forficulids. Took one Lampyrid flying in the forest. This species was quite abundant. 2 Passalids in the log.