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8  St. Lucia 8.
[[written in margin]] sta. 208. C [[/margin]] At this same place opened a large termitarium of [[underlined]] Nasutitermes [[/underlined]] sp. on the ground. Failed to find the royal chamber or the queen but took samples.
[[underlined]] Station 209. [[/underlined]]
The Roseau River at elevation 250 feet; at its union [[written in margin]] A [[/margin]] with a small branch from the right. Found 102 Staphs (Oxytelinae - 20, Paederinae - 1 and 11 and 6 and 4, [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]] - several app. 6, Aleocharinae - 42 and 7 and 1 and 4), 5 Carabids, 3 Aphodiinae, 1 Larvae, & several others.- On the trail between this station and the last [[written in margin]] sta. 209. B. [[/margin]] we found in fungi on a log 119 Staphylinids, (red and black Aleocharinae) and many tiny ants.
  During the day Mr. Box spent most of his time getting Staphs for me. This of course greatly increased the day's catch. We were just at the edge of the truly virgin forest, and it was really tropical. There were many palms, ferns, tree-ferns, vines, hardwoods, mosses, etc.
  Coming home we discussed systematics, the proper foundation for such work, the conception of species, the propriety of a scientist entering a strange field, - as in the case of the physiologist and the origin of vertebrates. We seem to have much the same ideas. His systematic specialties are ferns, [[underlined]] Diaprepes [[/underlined]], and [[underlined]] Diatraea [[/underlined]], his chief published work being on the last.
[[end page]]

[[start page]]
[[image - handdrawn map of St. Lucia, upper right side of page; scale: 1 in. = 6 mi. The locations of what appears to be numbered stations are connected with red pencil. Part of the island is encompassed by green rectangle, with caption to "see page 35".]]
III-30-36  Went to town in the morning to mail letters, get stamps, inquire for mail, and try to get some large envelopes for mailing my thesis. Mr. Peter didn't have any, but I finally got 6 for 3d. at gov't office.
  Wrote letters to Hicks and Ison, with checks.
  In the afternoon recounted the Staphs taken in Jamaica, Haiti, Dom. Rep., Guadeloupe, & Trinidad. Got same results as before except for Jamaica, which came to 400 this time ^ [& Trinidad - 800]. With the last two months added, the total is now 6500 Staphs.
  After tea I [[strikethrough]] st [[/strikethrough]] rode over to Box's lab to use the binocular for counting yesterday's catch. Box was there, but left before I had finished. Had a funny conversation with men loading cane where I parked. "Will it be in your way here?" "Yes. Yes." "It [[underlined]] will [[/underlined]] be in your way?" "Ah, yes. Quite allright, leave it right there." !! [[underlined]] No [[/underlined]] is an unknown word when any question is asked. If one asks two opposed questions, he generally gets "Yes" to both.