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14 St. Lucia 14. IV-3-36 This morning Mr. Box talked with us for a few minutes after breakfast. He was going to a meeting of some sort, over a matter involving him and Fennah. The latter apparently has been brought up here in connection with the Citrus root borer, on which Box is working. Box naturally resents it. At ten o'clock I decided to take a lunch and go out collecting. I went over into the Roseau Valley and up the Roseau River to the Milette River bridge. [[underlined]] Station 211. [[/underlined]] [[written in margin]] A [[/margin]] Same as sta. 207. Under stones and sand along the edge of the stream found 56 Staphs ([[underlined]] Oxytelus [[/underlined]] - 11 and 1 and 4, Paederinae - 5 and 2 and 9, minute Aleocharinae - 10, other Aleocharinae - 14), 7 Carabidae, 3 Aphodiinae, [[written in margin]] B [[/margin]] and 1 other beetle. In dung found 8 Staphs (Paederinae - 3, Xantholininae - 1, Aleocharinae - 4), 2 Sphaeridiinae, 1 Forficulids, and 2 larvae. [[written in margin]] C [[/margin]] In rotten cocoa pods found 1 Piestinae and 4 Forficulids. Caught one Lampyrid flying. [[written in margin]] D [[/margin]] In a rotting banana stem found 10 Staphs (Piestinae - 2, Omaliinae - 4 and 4), 5 Hydrophilids, 2. Weevils, and 1 ant. There was a considerable crowd of natives about, this being the depot for loading bananas onto trucks, - the end of the motor road. [[end page]] [[start page]] 15 I started back along the same road, stopped to eat my lunch overlooking the valley, and then turned off on the road to Anse La Raye. This road passed through the most parched-looking country I've seen lately. The affect is hightened by the habit of turning along the edge of the road. The little valley of Anse La Raye is a great contrast, being very green, with an abundance of water, a fine beach, and large groves of palm trees. I circled through the town, noticed that there was no seaweed on the beach, and then stopped just outside of town. [[underlined]] Station 212. [[/underlined]] Anse La Raye, 8 miles southwest of Castries. In dung found 99 Staphs ([[underlined]] Oxytelus [[/underlined]] - 96, Oxytelinae - 1, Paederinae - 1, [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]] - 1), 1 Sphaeridiinae, and 37 [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]]. This brings the day's total of Staphs to 174, and the island total to about 500. IV-4-36 Spent the morning talking to Box and putting away specimens. Mr. Fennah was on the porch and remembered us. Sir Geoffrey and the students were out on a trip. Just before lunch I went to town to mail a letter for Ruth. It was to Scotti. After lunch Mrs. Box left on the launch for a few days in Soufrière. Mr. Box showed us the pictures of his trip up Morne Gimie. They are small but very clear and complete, and show well the real tropical forest as well as the peak.