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44 St. Lucia 44.
I returned home without finding other places to collect, but caught a beetle flying in road. [[underline]] Station 299. [/underline]
1 mile souteast of Saufriere, along main road, a Mitidulid (    .) caught flying.
   This afternoon the Admistrator, Mr. Baines, the Attorney-General, Mr. Bell, and Captain Wright-North of Public Works came down to stay overnight. I spent the evening work here in our room so didn't even meet others.
   Last Sunday I made out a list of the things I particularly like to eat and those I won't eat. Since then meats have been improved for me. My preferences weren't expensive. It was the fear of repetition that spoiled them before. 
V-6-36 This morning at breakfast we met the visitors. (See Ruth's journal for descriptions.) I didn't go out, but wrote a letter to Stanley John, and some notes. I removed the battery from the motorcycle. It had overflowed a little and was spoiling the paint. So I washed the case and battery and greased everything carefully. After lunch I went to town to get gas and some change for Miss duBoulay. It is half-day holiday as usual, but Mr. Eudomie was at his store. He showed me some old coins he has picked [[end page]] 
[[start page]] up in circulation, and gave me at face value Two shillings-1822 and 1826. He also showed me a fine example of the old spanish coins used here by the French. It is dated 1793,  has a first of Carolus IIII, and was worth between four and five shillings. The French would cut them into three, four or five pieces-thus: [[image-circle divided into fourths]] These pieces are stamped "S. Lucia." He is willing to part with them but doesn't know their value. They are quite rare here-none at all in circulation. He also gave me a fine 5 shilling price-a crown.
   After tea Ruth and I walked down into the woods below the house. Under chips on fresh stumps we found quite a few beetles. This [[strikethrough]] Station [[/strikethrough]] is [[underline]] station 220. [[/underline]] Found 53 Staphs (Prestinae-51, [[underline]] Coproporus-1 [[/underline]], [[underline]] [[?]] [[/underline]] -1), 2 sp. of Hydrophilids-14 and 7, [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 1 Carabid, and 5 other Calioptera. We also caught flying 2 Staphs, [[strikethrough]] ( [[/strikethrough]] i Pristinae (like Leptochirini) and 1 Staphy liminae (as at bottom of page 43). Total 2484[[?]].
V-7-36 In the morning wrote letters to EB (asking for new boots), Archer and Cools-Lartique in Dominica. It rained harder today than usual, and it was useless to go out. I spent the afternoon on accounts, trying to make up the summary to send with my report. It is very tedious work. Kept at it all evening. Just
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