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50   St. Lucia 50.
but I also made one triple exposure. Took a few samples for EB.
After lunch I rode to town to make reservations on the Jewel for tomorrow morning. On the way home I passed the Soufriere again, and followed the road farther. Passed the Ventine Falls, which can be duplicated along any road in the Sierras, and took another photo overlooking the "crater". This is anything but a "road", but I managed it.
Ruth had callers after tea, - a farewell visit from Miss du Boulay's mother & sister. Spent the evening packing.
V-14-36  At 8:30 the taxi came up. I rode on the motor while Ruth and the baggage went in the taxi. We said goodbye to Miss du Boulay and St. Remy, and reached Soufriere [[strikethrough]] at [[/strikethrough]] before nine o'clock. I mailed some letters, put the motor on board, and paid out a lot of shillings! We started about nine fifteen, and as we passed the point I took two pictures of the Pitons. [[written in margin]] Photo #104 #105 [[/margin]] The trip was uneventful. We [[strikethrough]] pa [[/strikethrough]] stopped at Anse des Canaries and Anse La Raye. As we entered the bay [[letter striked out]] we saw half a dozen very pretty white gulls, longwinged and slender, and more graceful than ordinary gulls. Also some quite a few frigate birds. Passed the
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Grand Cul de Sac Bay and Rosean Bay and arrived at Castries at 10:45. A taxi was waiting, and Ruth went right up to the Hotel St. Antoine. I got the motor, stopped for gas, to see Mr. Peter, to see the Customs people about the crate, and at the Post Office to direct our mail.
Spent the rest of the day unpacking and re-arranging. I went to the Customs to take apart the crate for the motorcycle and have the bolts fixed as they won't turn. Left the bolts at a blacksmith shop.
V-15-36  Rode to Dennery, the only place on the island where I've seen a beach with seaweed.
[[underlined]] Station 232. [[/underlined]]
Beach at town of Dennery, windword coast. Under seaweed found 3 [[underlined]] Cafius [[/underlined]] and one of the brown Carabids.
On the way home stopped at a stream to look.
[[underlined]] Station 233. [[/underlined]]
Fond d'Or River at the highway bridge. Found no insects, but took one legless salamander (?).
At dinner we took a large vial of Scarabs at lights.
[[underlined]] Station 234. [[/underlined]]
Same as sta. 205. About 4 species of Melolonthine Scarabs, including six of a large black one. One is the same as taken at Soufriere, but the other three are new.