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54   Dominica 1.
V-18-36 (cont.)  We anchored off Roseau, Dominica shortly after two P.M. Mr. Archer, the Furness Agent, came aboard, and we were plagued again by hotel porters. We had had cabin #4, and Pragnell was our steward again. We had the same English waiter that we had once before, - he is still pretty terrible. Came ashore in a row-boat. The Customs was not quite as easy as usual. Had to sign an estimate of value of everything.
We then got a taxi, went to the bank to cash the draft, then went to two boarding houses and one hotel. Mrs. Musgrave's B. H. impressed us rather poorly. Lady Nichol's B. H. appeared to be satisfactory but we couldn't see the rooms. She wanted $25 a week. At the Cherry Lodge H. we were shown two small connecting rooms. Mr. Tavernier brought this price down to $42.50 a month apiece, and we accepted. We arranged the rooms as bedroom and sitting room.
Today has been very warm here, but I'm glad to hear that it is actually a very exceptionally warm day - for any season. It was 85° [[strikethrough]]?[[/strikethrough]].
It was too late to do any government business today, so we had tea and then unpacked.
For dinner Ruth had fricasseed Crapaud - the Dominican specialty. Not only the legs but body are eaten. I had an omelette instead.
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V-19-36  The evening we left St. Lucia Mr. Box gave me 5 vials of Staphs from Antigua and St. Ritts. He had just gotten back from a [[strikethrough]] weeks [[/strikethrough]] months trip up there. My actual total for St. Lucia was 3432 Staphs, about 1000 other beetles, and many other insects.
Like yesterday, today was overcast and gave us frequent showers. I spent the morning at the Treasury trying to arrange for the motor. Finally, after considerable discussion, I was allowed to post a guarantee (with Mr. Archer's signature) of £19. I couldn't find the Chief of Police in, so licenses must wait.
Yesterday's heat continued today. We'll have to get used to it again, I guess.
V-20-36  So rainy this morning that I didn't go over to unpack the motor. In the afternoon Ruth and I walked over to the Post Office and got stamps for postage and collection. Leeward Islands stamps are used conjointly with Dominica ones. Certain of the former that we got are of an older type which should be out of circulation. Why??
Forgot to mention that we got letters on Monday and a package of second-class matter yesterday.
V-21-36  After paying wharfage fees and standing in lines for nearly an hour, I got the motor freed. After lunch the hotel porter Freddie helped me unpack it. It was in good condition.