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80   Dominica 27.
VI-28-36  Sunday. Both the Lady Drake and the Lady Hawkins came in this morning. We expected mail, but waited in vain. The day was rather rainy and we spent it chiefly reading.
VI-29-36  Spent the morning counting specimens taken lately. A letter arrived from Wetmore via St. Lucia. He must have misunderstood our addresses. It contained a check for $1000, and I spent most of the afternoon cashing part of it, and having the rest put in a Letter of Credit and a draft to Poly. The manager of the bank was very pleasant, and I had the L. of C. made out jointly to Ruth and me. Carlo Tanlon came up with some stamps, and we spent some time evaluating them
VI-30-36  Got a little mail. It was all for Ruth, except the invitation to graduation of Lois and Ruth. The mail came on the S.S. Frank [[Seamann?]], which was not the boat that came in on the 27th.
While I was at Mr. Archer's a large ship passed, and the telescope revealed it to be the Canadian National freighter S.S. Cornwallis. She seldom stops at any of these small islands.
Watched about 15 men and four boats [[seining?]] the water near the jetty for small fish. They had two large nets, but the haul was small. Sometimes they get more than they can haul in in one day!     Carlo came back and we
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paid him for the stamps. He never has any of the cheaper ones, but ones ranging from 25ยข to $10.00 catalogue value. He sold them to us for 1/6 to 1/8 catalogue, which seems a bargain.
In the evening I pulled the remaining old hobnails from my old boots, and found enough good ones to fill the heels of my new boots. The soles are too thin to take a regular hobnail.
At supper time there was great excitement in the street. We finally found out that there had been an auto accident, in the country, - and 40 men had been sent out in a truck to lift the car from the ditch and carry it up to the road. The 40 were celebrating ahead of time for the remuneration. It couldn't have been more than a few cents.
VII-1-36  Spent the morning putting away specimens. Went to see Mr. Archer and finally decided to go to Montserrat by the S.S. Lady Drake on the 12th. This will fit into our schedule better, and permit us to stay just two weeks in Montserrat. Wrote letters to Ed, Stanley John, and Scott's.Our schedule now is Montserrat - July 12-27, Antigua - July 27 - August 18, St. Ritts and Nevis - Aug. 18 to September 15, St. Croix - Sept. 16 - October 12, and St. Thomas - Oct. 12 until we can get a boat to Puerto Rico.     Rainy all day.