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82   Dominica 29.
VII-2-36  At my request Mr. Archer phoned to Capt. Stebbings at Londonderry on the northern road to ask if I could put up there for two nights next week. The answer was "yes", so I got the launch schedule to pick out the best day. The rainy weather of the last few days makes the trip a little questionable. Hope it stops by then. Decided to go on Monday 6th & return on Thursday 9th.
Did a little shopping in the rain. Got some "boat studs" to use in place of hobnails. Also got a pair of shoes (10/-) and 2 shirts (3/6 each).
After tea the rain stopped, so we went for a walk up Morne Bruce. Tried collecting but had very little success.
[[underlined]] Station 253. [[/underlined]]
[[strikethrough]] West [[/strikethrough]] North end of Morne Bruce. (Practically same as sta. 251). By sweeping took 2 Nitidulids, 4 Chrysomelids, 1 Curculionid (in fruit), 6 other Coleoptera, bugs, ants, etc.
VII-3-36  Were awakened again early by very heavy rains. These continued intermittently all day. Made reservations on the launch and on the Lady Drake, but spent most of the day fixing the new boots. Had to file down each of the three dozen studs to prevent their going clear through the sole. If they don't pull out they may be satisfactory.
Worked a little on stamps, but the rain prevented any collecting excursions.
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VII-4-36  Wrote a letter to the agents in Antigua asking them to forward mail to Montserrat. There is a sloop leaving at noon.
Went out collecting in spite of threatening skies.
[[underlined]] Station 254. [[/underlined]]
1 1/2 miles east of Roseau, along Roseau River. At the [[written in margin]] A [[/margin]] edge of the stream was able to find only one species of Staph, a tiny Aleocharinae, and took 1 specimen. [[written in margin]] B [[/margin]] In dung found 95 Staphs ([[underlined]] Oxytelus [[/underlined]] - 93, [[underlined]] Philonthus [[/underlined]] - 1, [[underlined]] Aleochara [[/underlined]] - 1), 1 Histerid, 64 [[underlined]] Aphodius [[/underlined]], and 8 other coleoptera.
Got home just before the rain, which kept up intermittently for the rest of the day.
After lunch went to see Mr. Archer, gave him the tickets to extend, tried to buy a dial bulb for the radio, and had the camera case mended. The shoemaker to whom I went is said to be one of the best in town. He works with two assistants in a room about 8'x10'; has a small table, a chair, and two boxes; perhaps a dozen awls, a pocket knife apiece, one hammer, a pair of pliers, no [[?]] at all, a few nails but no rivets; makes much use of old tires for rubber heels and even soles. I had a better leather-working kit in Paly, even if I didn't have any "lasts". Here they had one small metal one, and about a dozen assorted wooden forms.