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Dominica 41.

VII-10-36 My foot felt like a rest today, so Ruth tried to do some errands for me. The Canadian National S.S. agents were not very accommodating. I went out later on to find out when the motorcycle and trunk must be delivered and get the export warrants from the Treasury.
The Nerissa came in last night but brought us no mail. Mr. Archer said [[underlined]]he[[/underlined]]got almost none though there were 40 bags from the U.S.A.!
 Spent the afternoon counting the beetles taken on the trip. They total 816, and bring the [[stricken]]trip[[/stricken]]island total to 2646, and the trip total to 12,500.
 After tea we did a few stamps, and in the evening I wrote up these notes.
VII-11-36 Took the export warrants to the Treasury, then to the Customs and the steamship agents. I paid for and received the tickets and the bill of lading for the motorcycle. Then I went to Phillips to pay for the launch to Portsmouth. They were not very nice, to say the least. Got some stationery and took it to the newspaper office to have it cut into 3 x 5 cards. Went to the Government Offices to present the letter from Capt. Stebbings to Cools-Lartique about maps. He sent me to the Engineer at the Public Works Department. Here they were very nice (also helpful - the first of this type I've met in Roseau), and finally agreed to make me
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a blue print of a rather crude map MS. There was only about one hour to do it. It turned out rather blurred, but they also sent a small print of another better map.
 Spent the afternoon collecting my scattered junk. We've made more of a mess of unpacking here than ever before, -- perhaps because we've been here longer than any other place. Carlo Toulon came over for the last time, and when we settled up, gave Ruth three or four nice stamps as a bonus! In the evening I packed the microscope and stationery. Ruth was feeling a trifle low.
VII-12-36 Sunday. Finished packing the trunk, mostly before breakfast. At ten o'clock Freddie and I went to the Customs, got the crate out and put it under the crane on the pier. We packed it there, in spite of the hot sun. I got back in time to help finish packing the trunk so that it could go before lunch. After lunch we finished packing the other bags. The little boy brought a 3-inch green caterpillar (from tobacco plants) and a Tenebrionid. I took the latter, and wrapped the former in leaves in a small box and addressed it to Mr. Forks in Portsmouth. The next launch is Monday afternoon, -- I hope it lives that long.
 Mr. Tavernier presented his bill, with extra