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96   Dominica 43.
high charges for radio, but a discount for the days I was away. I didn't understand it too well at first, and that rather bothered Ruth (probably also Tavernier!).
We had tea at 3:45, and at 4:00 Freddie came back, was paid, and took our bags. We walked down to the pier, and were soon aboard the S.S. Lady Drake. The Lady Nelson had passed southbound in the morning. We got a few pieces of mail from the south, - a note from Stanley John that he sent the pen to Antigua, and some stamps from Wilfred.
We were given a fairly large cabin on the lowest deck, but it was too hot to stay in. I went to get a haircut. We like the Purser, but don't care much for the service or especially for the meals. Of course we're not so well acquainted with the ship as we are with the Nerissa.
The purser was not able to give us much information about Montserrat, but there seems to be but one hotel.
We saw Mr. Baynes, the Administrator, on board. He was merely seeing someone else off.
We went to bed early and didn't wake up till we were anchored off Montserrat.
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Supplement to Dominica journal.

[[underlined]] Station 261. [[/underlined]]
Roseau, Dominica. Cherry Lodge Hotel. Miscellaneous things, mostly flying to lights. Includes also a vial of mosquitoes.

When I got on the launch to go to Portsmouth, there was an umbrelly lying in the seat I wanted. No one was aboard yet, so I moved the umbrella to the seat opposite. Just before sailing time [[letter striked out]] a white man in brown uniform came aboard and saw down by the umbrella. He was reading The Thin Man. We didn't speak during the trip, but I noticed his ornaments, etc. When I described him to Capt. Stebbings, I learned it was Mayor Branch, Inspector of Police. It seems to be the custom to reserve the best seat by sending something to be placed in it early. It didn't work that time.

The Tavernier's have a little terrier named Jackie. He is quite young and very playful, but gets teased a good deal. We made friends easily, and he spent many afternoons sleeping in our room. He was very jealous of the cat. The latter paid little attention to him, sometimes running and sometimes slapping him down. No one makes any attempt to train the dog, but