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2)stabilienda non sunt genera instrumentorum cibariorum cuspidum discriminus ratione, sed cum differentia [[cuo masorer ?]] sunt, et cum generi, scissioneus. necessitas postulat, ob specienum, verbi gratia, nimiam [[misspelling of nimium]] multifacetatem. Sab.G.Cr III. 61

Larva feeding on pith of wild aster - tenthredo? -- length 3/4 inch -- head black - six very short tuberculous? legs, hairy - a double row of smooth tubercle-like processes on each side + on each segment of the body, but the last, extending above the true legs. General color dirty white - semitransparent [Larva all died]
Dytiscus ^Harrisii Lee [1.4 to 1.6 long] Differs from verticalis (Say) in the following respects: - vertex (in front) not punctured - 4 large yellow patches on postpectus - Thorax margined before + behind with yellow - posterior sternum more dilated.
Hydrophilus 1. (smaller) = ^miatus Lee - Thighs + 4 head tibia fasciate with rufous - anterior metasternum nearly straight
Hydrophilus 2.(larger) = ^glaber [[Hist?]] front tips of thighs vittate with rufous - anterior metasternum strongly turned up.
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From Dr. Kirtlands paper, Cleveland Trans,--"Callydrias [[misspelling of Callidryas]] Eubule  3)
 -- this large + nearly pure yellow-colored butterfly never reaches the northern extremity of Ohio -- at Cincinnati it occurs in great number; but only, as it is said in the fore part of summer."
 Ibid. "P. Marcella, resembles Ajax, but differs in having only one red spot on the inner margin of the posterior wing."
Larva of Helophilius? Or Eristalis? found March 15, 60 under bark of old oak stump, remote from water. Larva (closely resembling larva of Helophilus figured Westw. Intr. II. 558 fig 131.7) .35 long, exclusive of tail, which with its process is over .4 long. Color dirty light brown. Process [[enserted?]] from tail .15 long: 14 tubercular feet, furnished with 4 or 5 spines,[[strikethrough]] hooks [[/strikethrough]] The 1st pair placed close to mouth to further from the 2nd pair than the others are from each other, a ragged anal process, with the appearance of two tubercular feet close together immediately in front of it, which however have no spines. Mouth apparently 4 tubercles [[drawing]] with a cavity in the middle. A pair of short antennae above,[[drawing]] & a pair of very indistinct tubercles on top of 3rd segment (2nd from head.) A row of 7 simple tubercles each side beneath, 1st opposite 2nd pair of feet, last opposite anal pair of tubercles. No vestige of eyes.