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[[strikethrough]] Oryctes Satyrus?? Falr. (My cabinet) [This insect is figured in Emmons' Report N.Y as Copris carolina.= Dr. Velie's species]
it is clearly not a Copris, but an Oryctes - belonging to Dynastidae, not Scarabaeidae.  It agrees with characters of Oryctes given in Latrielle (II.102) & especially differs from  copride Copris in the absence of the lunate clypeus & the interm. & post. tibiae being "lineis transversis ciliatis." (Latreille).  Hope gives ^[[insertion]] "Satyrus" [[/insertion]] under Xyloryctes" (Melsh. Cat p.57) [[/strikethrough]]

July 4 Caught [[symbol for male]] Libellula corrupta Hay [[strikethrough]] large Iterzus [[/strikethrough]]  back of "brick" - just came out. 

July 6 Caught Bembex fasciata? F  (plain thorax) with musca caesar in its claws - middle July caught on burrowing in sand.  

[[Image - hand drawing of Larva]]  Larva found in company with Harpaulus Pensylvanicus under log July 17.'60 1 of 11 segments polished black rest dark black. Caudal appendage & legs rufous. Body hairy
This is evidently a staphylinidous larva (See Westwood) from the anal proleg

July 19. saw the [coreid] ^Tingid (Syrtis?) Phymata erosa Fals. (yellowish and black) with raptatory & very stout forelegs, engaged in sucking the juices of the smallest species of Bombus, on a flower. The Bombus was still alive, but weak. 
July 20. observed the larger rufous Erax (S.Baron) (Asilid) on the wing seize a middle sized small [[symbol for female]] Bombus &suck its juices, taking it head end first & and keep its abdomen away from its own self. Inserted beak front of thorax. 
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July 20. observed the [[symbol for male]] scoliad (yellow and black fasciate) seize with the anal hook, like a thumb, objects presented to it. Used for sexual prehension, as Diapheromera Saye? 
July 28 saw the above [[strikethrough]] coreid [[/strikethrough]] ^Tingid (Syrtis?) preying on a Tachina?  the size of a housefly on umbelliferous plant. Tachina was loudly buzzing, which attracted my attention.  
The males of the 2 yellow-banded "scolia" ^[[insertion]]{Myzine subulata & [[/insertion]] (smaller than confluenta) use the long spine as a thumb to take hold when it closes between the other 2 smaller spines.  
In the wing neuration of my largest species of Crabronid (1860) there is a peculiarity which Latreille says is confined to the Scoliadae. viz. the 1st subm. forms a series with the marginal, & 2nd & 3rd submarginal ^[[insertion]] form [[/insertion]] and a 2nd series (Gen.Cr. IV. p. 104-5
The [[symbol for male]] of some Eumenids have a [[underlined]]  double [[/underlined]] retractile sting-like process at extremity of abdomen. 
Aug. 14 ^'60 {a Tabanus - bred, but very defective, aquatic dipterous larva. Length 2 1/4 inches when extended, 1 3/4 inches contracted ^[[insertion]] diameter 5/20 [[/insertion]]. Pointed at pos both ends ^[[insertion]] vent beneath behind [[/insertion]]. Tubercles to every segment except the first three ^ [[insertion]] & the last three by a lesser degree [[/insertion]], placed all around anterior edge, above as well as below, so that he can progress on his back nearly as fast as on his belly.  Color a greenish white, ^[[insertion]] transparent [[/insertion]] lighter beneath. An ^[[insertion]] irregular [[/insertion]] dark green annulus on anterior and posterior margin of each