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8) segment, [[strikethrough]]which is[[/strikethrough]] lighter beneath. A retractile thorn, 1/20' long, at tip of tail. [[image-sketch of segmentation of organism numbered from 1 through 12 and head]] Head small & not perceptibly horny or with any hooks. Burrows with great strength between the fingers, & walks on a smooth table fast & with ease. Skin very transparent, & as he progresses slides backwards & forwards over his internal organs like the finger of a glove. Head & first segment or two retractile. Tubercles not retractile. ^[[Bred June or July a Tabanus]] [[strikethrough]]Between March & April changed to a pupa not distinguishable from that of ^[[mistake]] Tipula trivitta S. & same size pupae [[?]] & preserve[[/strikethrough]]
Sep. 19 Noticed on ear of sweet corn infected with chinch bug in imago & larva states, hippodamia ^[[blood red]] maculata [[Deg?]], coccinella munda Say[[no spot]], & two species of scymnus- one black & one black with rufous tail. Noticed one pupa of coccinellid also. 
R.V. Ankeny Rio Grand, Freeport, Stephenson Co.found his backsowing of wheat (which was uphill) free from chinch bug all over the field. (in cases-from strangers)- sown thicker or thinner? B.D.W
Nov. 1860 Noticed  under log on Rock Island in a hollow of the earth a [[round]] ^[[spherical]] mass of a common ^ [[black]] myrmica 2 1/2 to 3 in in diam, enclosing in their midst a lot of larvae. No larvae visible outside,
[[end page]]
[[start page]] pg 9
[[note covering text]] [[image on note of segmented worm-dorsal]] [[note text-come out ^ [[end [[?]] may]] largest common tipula 
Decidedly a Tipulid: back like that of T. trivittata Say 
spines strongly developed on back especially toward tail
Pupa of {^Tipulid? WII. p524 f.5}[[strikethrough]][Asclid?] or Midasid ?[[/strikethrough]]
May 15. '61 [in square can]
found under log. Very active twisting itself about, back & forth
Drawing pasted over text [[image-segmented worm ]]
1st May 1861 too full [specimen preserved] flat [[strikethrough]]larva[[/strikethrough]] pupa in glass jar
[[continuing from under note]] footed wood feeding noticed a pair) when attached by 
,twist itself spitefully 
, one after the other in its jaws & kill them, exuding a black juice at the same time from its mouth. One which had attached it on top of its neck, it shook off by violent contractions & then killed. 
May 20. Bred a Telephourus carolina [[strikethrough]][[cucreous dytra[[?]], yellow tho- [zan?] & black disk]][[/strikethrough]]  from a pupa, found under white elm bark amongst larva of cerambycids & Tendriomids [[?]] 
Preys on them?
May 21. Melandrya striata? 5. 4 or 5 found in rotten sapwood of bass & several pupae? of it May 22 {same under oak}
Leptis? trifasciata? imago under bass-bark. My two pupae? the same species?
Dendroides (with rufous & black legs) found hitherto  under oak bark, imago or pupa. Today 3 imagos under bass bark.