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May 28. Took on the island 7 specimens of a bee, lodged in cells in the bark of a felled bass . . In some cells was a mass of pollen (ord. specimens) with minute larva; an other larger; in others full grown larva ^ no pollen. In others again perfect bees. Four specimens are smaller greenish (male?) + 3 blue + larger (female?)
  May 30. Found under stone on the Island a deplerous rufous topped with black on the head + of threefold prongs beneath larva .4 long, light rufous ; a pair of prongs [[image - sketch of prong with "beneath" and "underside" noted]]
Tail 4 thorns, divaricating every way. ^[Midas? pupa only 2-thorned] Segments [[strikethrough]] dark upfront topped with black [[/strikethrough]] pointing backwards thorned on posterior margin, but 1st abd. segment thorned [[underlined]] only [[/underlined]] on antr. margin, pointing forwards, like my Midas fulatus? pupa-skin.  Oth abdomen thorns much weaker + shorter [came out June 9 on Asilus
Took plenty of Choridium capestratum F. on the Island.
-on May 25.  I had found winged specimens of my Pemphigus [formicarius W.] on the Bluff.  May 29. found a nest of the yellow ant in a stump honeycombed by larva on the Island:  it contained many wingless pemphigi, located at least 1f from the ground ^ in cells apart from the larva, but not far apart.  Had seen them in 1860 also under bark removed [[strikethrough]] from [[\strikethrough]] ^ above the ground.  
May 30. noticed more than a doz. nests of the yellow and under stones on the Island, all with wingless pemphigi in groups adhering to stone, & larva on surface of chamber
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on the earth beneath.  Some were naked, some in one nest were covered with dense masses of cotton. ( [[vid?]] specimen.)
June 1st. Bred from [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]one of 2 pupa found in a rotten bass post, in a hole with one end of pupa even with the outside, a pyralid with anterior wing-fringe, dotted with gold: labial palpi very long and ^hairy like a bottle-brush ^ hairs sloping forward, man.palp. shortish.  The pupa is remarkable for the caudal apex being truncate, almost squarely, but sloping a little towards the [[strikethrough]] abdomen [[\strikethrough]] lower surface, & armed with [[underlined]] 4 [[/underlined]] long & 2 short spines in a [diagram - circle with radiating spines coming out of it] diverging from the centre.  Pupa-skin preserved. The pupa was enveloped in a cocoon of fine wooddust lined with dirty white silk.  No such pupa in Westwood.
June 2nd.  Took a very large Pselaphid in a nest of the yellow ant of the Pemphigi, that has its man. palpi elbowed & the 2nd joint bifid. No such arrangement mentioned in Westw. either Vol I or 5 [[image]]
The eyes are small, but prominent and disctinct.  [more correct][[image]] = ceophyllus monilis Sec
-June 3rd.  Early in May had found this larva under oak bark.  Today found 3 more (smaller) under bass & put 2 of them in the bottle of oak decayed stuff along with the first larva  
[diagram inserted - larva sketch, numbers 12 down to 1 from top to bottom, also the following text: mahogany  {one found, too little
almost black 
[under oak bark, not very long felled]
[[underlined]] No 2 [[/underlined]] May 13, '61 =Larva of [[xefophafus??]] Westw.II 531 fig 18