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[[strikethrough]] May [[/strikethrough]] June 3. Noticed a cluster of the ^ [[insertion]] apterous [[/insertion]] pemphigi on a root (about .2 mill diameter) in [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] a downward leading [[strikethrough]] under [[/strikethrough]] hole of a nest of the yellow ant under a flat stone. The cluster entirely surrounded the root.
June 5. Bred from pupae in a wh. hickory stump 2 [[image - male symbol]] & 1 [[image - female symbol]] graphisurus, evidently distinct ^ [[insertion]] [[underlined]] Not [[/underlined]] Leconte) [[/insetion]] from fasciatus, which occurred last year in [[insertion]] quercitron ? Fitch [[/insertion]] (black) oak.
June 7. observed this morning the long { [[insertion]] prionocyphon discoideus. S [[/insertion]] long - [[strikethrough]] broad [[/strikethrough]] antenn, 
aquatic larvae, to whom I had last night given a fresh supply of stump-water, vibrating vigorously up & down a pencil of hairs, ^ [[insertion]] about [[/insertion]] 4 [[strikethrough]] millim [[/strikethrough]]  ^ [[insertion]] segments [[/insertion]] long, proceeding from their tail. Found a [[image - female symbol]] Rhipicerid? afloat & alive on the water. - the pencil consists of 5 or 6 ^ [[insertion]] very fine [[/insertion]] [[image - vertical line with downward angled lines drawn from it]] 
(June 8th)- viewed with the double lens_
June 8 & for a week previous have had many [[strikethrough]] Pyrochroa? flabellala ? Fals. [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] Dendroides canadensis [[/insertion]]from pupa in oak (& bass?) which I had mistaken for those of Hallomenus
Larva of Corydalis Cornutus, besides six legs, has 7 pair of ^ [paddle-like prolegs], ^ [[insertion]] branchiae [[/insertion]] furnished with [[strikethrough]] hairs [[/strikethrough]] a fringe of hairs, one pair on each segment from 4th. to 10th. inclusive. Penultimate segment is simple.  Larva of Chauliodes, being aquatic, has not these paddles.  They are not used in walking, [but are no doubt used in shovelling back the dirt as it burrows in the earth.]  They are branchiae
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June 9 Pupa of [Rhipicerid?] Prionocyphon (Fig.) white with ^ [[insertion]] large [[/insertion]] black eyes,  conspicuous beneath.  Apparently 12 dorsal segments, ^ [[insertion]] the last small [[/insertion]] Length scarcely .2   The 2 hairs of occiput black. 
[[image - small diagram of larva. Diagram reads : Elbows [one segment too few ]]
All the rest white.  Body covered with a short white down, erect.  Swims, if disturbed, or rather struggles on surface of water.  Quiescent there. 
The larva when at the surface swims on its back. [Have  { [[insertion]] broken antenna [[/insertion]] a specimen preserved today with antens of intermediate length - 1/4 length of body] It there keeps its body slightly below the surface, striking with its feet, but the pencil of hairs touches the surface, [being then not near so long, (say 1 or 1 1/2 mill) & obscure compared with its view June 7] & jerks from point to point in a line curved downwards [[image - diagram of curved line of movement]] occasionally a bubble of air is discharged from the tail.  Beneath the surface it darts with great vigor upwards or downwards, but does not use pencil of hairs, which is then retracted into the transverse horizontal slit.  Changes its course from up to down or vice versa with a sudden quick jerk.  Antenna of pupa are about 2/3 length of body, & are placed side by side lengthwise beneath the body. 
June 12 In motion? larva last segment above is brown & 2 or 3 next lighter brown
June 10. Took 3 larva under decayed oak log, burrowing in rotten part, in company with 2 [[strikethrough]] omalisus obliquus? Say [[/strikethrough]] Eros humeralis? Width 3 millim. Flattened length .5  ^ [[insertion]] Body yellowish white [[/insertion]] Head [[strikethrough]] rufous [[/strikethrough]] chestnut, antens terminal half [[strikethrough]] rufous [[/strikethrough]] chestnut ^ [[insertion]] above [[/insertion]] rack of 11 first segments with a transverse oblong discal ^ [[insertion]] spot [[/insertion]], 12th segm