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of the upper wing is generally very similar & may be seen very clearly in Lophocampa tessellaris, but is generally difficult on account of the scales. Hence lower wing chiefly to be used.
Scarites subterraneus? - took 5 specimens South which are .9 to 1 inch long, whereas R.I. specimens (as well as two taken South) are uniformly .7. One of these small southern spec [[superscript]] m [[/superscritp]], taken in the burrows of Copris Carolina, has only the [[underlined]] two [[/underlined]] post. punct. A R.I. specimen has [[underlined]] no [[/underlined]] punctures; Say gives none, but Latreille does I. 210. [[underlined]] Two [[/underlined]] of the large southern specimens have hind punctures double transversely. Say gives .9 as the length, & omits puncta. 
The small red glabrous Attelabus ^ [[insertion]] nigripes Leconte [[/insertion]] has [[symbol for "male"]] ant. thighs thorned.
In Cabinet No._ ^ [[insertion]] (Rhyncophora) [[/insertion]] bred from one of two larvae found under pine bark in the spring ^ [[insertion]] (May) [[/insertion]]; .35 long, head rufous, mouth piceous _ legless. Balance white. [this ^ [[insertion]] insect [[/insertion]] seems lost or mislaid]. 
Colaspis ([[underlined]] light [[/underlined]] clay, striate ^[[insertion]] "undetermined" sec [[/insertion]]) was bred on S.I. from a pupa found at root of Peach tree [= flavida Say]
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Sep 27. 1861. Found several ^[[insertion]] Coleopterous? [[/insertion]] larvae in a new kind of woody fungus _ colored with sanguineous. Length 1/2 inch. Breadth 3/20. Color yellowish white. Head light rufous, darker above; in the center above three tubercles [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [[image - pencil drawing of tubercles]] separated from sides of head by a stria. Each segment [[strikethrough]] covered [[/strikethrough]] above has a transverse black fascia, of double width in the 1 [[superscript]] st [[/superscript]] which is rough with punctures. Between them the surface is yellowish white. 2 [[superscript]] nd [[/superscript]] to 11 [[superscript]] th [[/superscript]] have a transverse carina in their middle, behind which the fascia is punctate, before glabrous these segments are also divided longitudinally by a narrow yellowish line, wider in front on every transverse [[strikethrough]] black [[/strikethrough]] fascia. Anal segment blackish above, & rough with tubercles, & with two short thorns pointing upwards. Beneath a ^ [[insertion]] short [[/insertion]] retractile proleg?  or the anal aperture used as a proleg occasionally? Legs six. Body is slightly depressed, & tapers a little at both ends. [died] 
Mound City. Ju[[strikethrough]] ne [[/strikethrough]]ly 18. [[underlined]] Saw [[/underlined]] the red (southern) species of ^[[insertion]] Polistes [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] obgaem [[/strikethrough]] that builds the hornet-like flat nest eating a green 3/4 inch caterpillar on a honey-locust. No nest near. 
Ju[[strikethrough]] un [[/stirkthrough]]ly 19. ^[[insertion]] near M. City [[/insertion]] Saw on a human encrement (covered with red & black braconid (in cab[[superscript]] t [[/superscript]].) staphylinus chrysarus sieze an onthophagus
July 8 & 9. Anna. Saw many Harpalus pensylvanicus underground on roots of peach - trees infested by Ageria enitiosa. Also [[strikethrough]] Bradytus [[/strikethrough]]^ [[insertion]] Cratacanthus dubius [see p 26] [[/insertion]] [[Image - pen drawing of portion of insect]]. The former swarms in