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Cratacanthus dubius found in S. Ill. at roots of peach trees (bored) also h. pensylvanicus - 
found Scarites subterraneus in burrows of Copris Carolina.
Geopinus cucrassatus found [[2 lines]] 6 inches underground in a sandy place, under a dead pigeon, where also were found many pupa of Musca Caesar?
Geo. W. ^ [[insertion]] Brackett of [[/insertion]] Belfast, Maine says they had "some trouble by (aphides) plant lice" with their wheat & oats. P. F. Feb 15. 1862
March 3. '62. Removed the pseudomaginal skin from the entire thorax of a species of Cratonychus bred from oak. A very thin pellicle.
Nondescript - [[strikethrough]] Malachidae. [[/strikethrough]]

In Antherophagus (Omaliidae) Leconte

[[yellow paper note with writing obscured by white note with image of insect]]

[[white note]] [[image - pencil drawing to head and first joint of insect]]
2nd j. ant. 3/4 of 3rd last j longest Except scapus
 3 last joints slightly enlarged


Telephorus carolina bred [[?]] from pupae found under white elm bark among cerambycids & 1 under pine bark.
[[end page]]
[[start page]] 
Nondescript? genus of Giside - hind coxae transverse [[image - pencil drawing]] middle coxae globular flat, rather wide apart: aut. conae. short, transverse, approximate. Sternum keeled. First j. v. abd. long.
(See Cabinet) Query - [[female symbol]] [[Cera?]] = sphindus (Lecontes)
Nondescript? genus of Scolytidae

[[white note with smaller white note obscuring drawing]]
[[smaller white note]] [[image - pencil drawing of legs]] legs [[?]]
[[/smaller note]]

[[white note]] [[obsecured image]]
hind coxa transverse
[[?]] cox widely separ? ant. cox long conical - cylindrical & very prominent interstices bristled
[[line across note]] [[/note]]

["Polygraphus?" sec]
Chramerus iconia Sec. mg

Clerus nigripes Say is apparently parasitic on Hylesinus aculeatus Say. Found both swarming on a decaying ash on April 1861.

[[Clipping from journal]]
Journal of the ^[[State Agr. Society. Feb 1862]]
Statement of Farm Management and Products for the year 1861, by S. W. Arnold, near Cortland, De Kalb county, Illinois, to whom was awarded the second premium on farms of 160 acres and upwards. [[/clipping]]
[[Second clipping from journal obscured by another clipping stuck over it]] 
The oat corp was dimin
hoppers, who eat off the
grain, and the sod at t
the sod that forms aroun
[[/second clipping]]

[[third clipping obscuring second clipping as well as text written underneath]]
ress. There are instances with farmers in which debt can hardly be avoided, as was the case here in 1856 and 1857; the grasshopper destroyed our crops two years in succession, and many had given credit to those who became involved at the time of the financial crash; the latter might perhaps have been avoided by judgment, and perhaps a better knowledge of natural history and science may have aided in providing against the ravages of the grasshoppers. One fact I noticed, although they ate the bark from saplings, and consumed our corn, tobacco, etc. ate holes in clothes hanging out to dry, destroyed boots and shoes when they lit on them in the house, yet peas they avoided, and it was an odd sight to see the field completely stripped, even of the weeds, and the pea patch left undisturbed. There was no turning to the right or left with them, they went hopping on to the tune of John Brown, and they may be hopping yet for aught I know. I only hope they will never come here again. Many resolved then to keep two years supply of produce on hand afterwards, but I fear most of us have forgotten the good resolution made in time of distress, as is often the case.
Anoka Co, Minnesota, June 28, 1863. [[/third clipping]]
[[handwritten on clipping]]
^[[N. Y. County Gentleman
July 31 1862]]

[[strikethrough]] Buichus [[?]] [[underlined]] over one year [[/underlined]] [[/strikethrough]]
in company
[[underlined]] under [[/underlined]] elm