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[[NOTE: a piece of paper reading '"Carya Pilula" cover portion of second page.  Full text is shown on digital page 117]]

[[NOTE: Written to side of piece paper: Legs blackish 
Spir. blackish]]

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Apr.30 Came out 1 [[symbol for male]]  3 [[symbol for female]] C. S. strobiliscus? on S. discolor? [[symbol for male]] (certain) right ant. (3 last jts. sessile) 23-jointed, left ______  (1 last _______) 24-jointed.  All [symbol for male, symbol for female]] with a white annulus of hairs next eye on occiput. scutellum with a forked brush of wh. hair. White hairs of dors. thor. nearly in two vittae; 1 [[symbol for female]]  [[strikethrough]] cross [[/strikethrough]] (x on card) with origin of anterior brnch of 3rd long. [[underline]] very[[/underline]] distinct. Rest indistinct [[symbol for male, symbol for female]].


[[strikethrough]] The gall in gall-insects is an [[underline]]additional [[/underline]]criterion of distinctness of species, besides larva, pupa, & imago, or imago only according to some writers.  [[/strikethrough]]


May 1. [[underline]] C. S. cornu [[/underline]] [[symbol for female]] scarcely distinguishable from [[underline]] C. S. [[/underline]] batatas [[symbol for female]]; kept from overnight so that thorax nearly bare; ant. branch 3rd longitudinal straighter? _ A 2nd specn. on May (recent & just come out) has dorsum of thor. entirely bare.  A linear whitish orbit.


May 4. Opened one q. prunus gall. Larva then, recent [[^ healthy]] & [[underline]] probably [[/underline]] alive.


May 7. S. strobiliscus 5 [[symbol for female]]. Antennae [[symbol for female]] apparently 22 - 24 jtd. A narrow ocular whitish orbit.


May 10. Larva of Nymphalis disippus?  Willows. Cylindrical, 1.2 inch long, .25 inch diameter. Whitish. Head dull olive, with [[^ dense]] minute prickles & a pair transversely arranged on vertex [[^ which is bifid]] of prickly cylindrical horns about .03 inch long. On segment 2 ditto black & .16 long. On [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] 3, 10 & 11 a pair of [[^ large dorsal]] tubercles transversely arranged, each crowned by a little bunch of 8-12 robust prickles. On jt.5 ditto larger [[^ yellowish]] mamma-like.  On 4, 6 & 9 ditto, smaller

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than on 3 10 & 11.  On [[^ jt]]12 4 black prickly [[^ dorsal]] horns, quadrangularly arranged & about .03 inch long. Dorsum speckled & mottled with olive of different shades above line of spiracles, except jts. 2 & [[strikethrough]] 7/8[[/strikethrough]] 7/8 & the upper part of 7 & 9, [[underline]] leaving [[/underline]] [[^ but with]] a continuous [[^ pure]] white line above the spiracles, beneath [[^ white line]] which [[^ on jts.]] 4-10 is a[[strikethrough]] n [[/strikethrough]] [[^ large]]  olive patch extending to external  [[covered by note]] of prolegs. Legs blackish. [[^ [[covered by note]] 

May 9. 2 [[symbol for male]] S. cornu. A linear whitish orbit. One thorax nearly bare: [[covered by note]] with a subobsolete [[covered by note]]  row of grayish whi[[covered by note]] about as in Strobilis[[covered by note]] Ant. 21 jt last [[covered by note]] 20-jd  last [[image]]. Only [[covered by note]] with [[covered by note]] not developed well. [[covered by note]] pair of black trans[[covered by note]] [[^ dorsal]] dots in the suture behind jt. 2 & a less [[covered by note]] one above 2nd & 4th proleg surmounting the lateral white line. Joints [[strikethrough]] 4 [[/strikethrough]] [[^ 3]] - 7 & 9 - 11 with more or less shining, elevated blue dots. Spiracles blackish.] Three specimens.


X May 14. S. gemina all mouldy. Dug out of 4 of them a black (Chalcidide?) pupa about .1 inch long, preserved. In one noticed much large-sized frass. Does the Tenthredinide come out in the [[underline]] fall [[/underline]]? See p. 145x
[May 26 found in this bottle 1 [[symbol for male]] 1 [[symbol for female]] cecid. which must have come out since 14th. Preserved.]

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