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202)[[underline]] Gall. Fraxenis basium. [[/underline]] On Fr. americana. A mouth-like [[^greenish white]] prominence on lower face of leaflet, about .10 cm, & projecting .02-.05 from leaflet, the tips white-woolly-pubescent,  sometimes closed, sometimes open in an irregularly oval form [[^inside hollow]] often but not always on one of [[^principal]] side veins, always on a vein of some kind, never on midrib. Opposite side a very pale green smooth slight prominence.  Inside not smooth but granulated.  Cecid?  No larva. 1-4 on a leaf.

[[underlined]] Gall carya boletus.[[/underlined]] On C. alba.  A deprefied-spherical [[^ or spherical or elongate oval]] coarsely granulated, greenish white [[^ or rarely [[pruleath?]] ]] gall on lower face, .15 - .23 in diameter, attached to the leaf like a mushroom by a very short but robustly cylindrical peduncle; a minute nipple at tip. Inside smooth but finely granulated; a large hemispherical prominence opposite the peduncle.  Skin thin & soft. No larva in 3 cut open.

[[underlined]]]Fraxinus Ulmi loculus. [[/underlined]]  On U. fulva. 1 spec. like Acerus/loculus x not opened.

[[underlined]]Gall Vitifolia. [[underlined]] Mostly preyed  on by [[Shyrfluide?]] [[^secofer 05]] (larva orange [[7?]] with long  slender pseudopods & walls as well as any lepid. larva. A few still contain coccid. eggs & larva.


[[underline]] Sal. brafs-gall[[/underline]]. burrowing in heart. Larva of [[Aruthon?]]. Tesselatus  .07 long, [yellowish  mostly curdy, white above. [Twice as long as wide, curved in  [[image-dome]]].  Head.  honey yellow, mandibles brown black, robust, equilaterally [[image-triangle]],  [[strikethrough]] [[blot]] [[/strikethrough]] with [[subteranean]]

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tooth.  [[strikethrough]] [[?]] with curved term. tooth. [[strikethrough]]

July 27. Sal. Brassic. [[underlined]] Lep. larva No. 4 (saved) length .40 inch. Not tapered, 8 times as long as wide. Pale greenish yellow. Head glossy rufous. 1st [[ft/jt?]] glossy brown black [[image]] separated by whitish hue from head. 5 pale brown [[?]] (narrow). Two dots [[^lengthways]] on 2 middle interstices  in each [[ft/jt??]] & 1 in outer interstice, each with a long white hair. Legs blackish. 16 legs, normal. Spins a thread, & runs backward & runs very fast. Tortrix?


July 27. [[underline]] Gall carya tuba [[underline]] on C. alba. Differs from [[underline]] C. [[?]] [[underline]] (p.201) in being hairy. 

[[underline]] Gall? Pruni [[cru?]] [[underline]] [[^Acan?]] on upper face of leaf of Todd plum, 1-60 in number, an elongate [[strikethrough]] fusiform [[strikethrough]] hollow blunt-tipped opaque gall, .10-.16 long, 4 or 5 lines as long as wide, [[strikethrough]] & [[strikethrough]] constructed at base [[^ & with a few erect hairs]]. Color [[^very]] pale green tinged often with rosy  [[strikethrough]] [[^ & a few hairs]] [[strikethrough]] inside [[?]] [[^& rosy]] with scores of very minute [[^rosy elongate]] eggs. Ten opened all had lice.  [[strikethrough]] Aphidism? or Coccidans? [[strikethrough]] A little powdery dust seemingly among the lice.  Many (yellow) crawling on leaves outside.

[[NOTE: following written between two lines; insert unclear]] [[^of 10 opened all contained lice]]


[[underline]] Gall? Cerasi crumena. [[underline]] On Cerasus, [[^serolina]] [[strikethrough]] virginianus, [[strikethrough]] [[strikethrough]] a gall [[strikethrough]] .10 - .34 long, [[^ & 6-9 times as long as wide]], 1 - 17 on a leaf almost always on upper face, [[strikethrough]] very [[strikethrough]] rarely below, a very elongate, subclavate hollow opaque gall, without any hairs; [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] basal part sometimes solid [[^ & slender]] like peduncle of leaf, oftener hollow.  
[[^ Color very pale green]] Inside, with irregular rough [[^ pale reddish brown]] filaments, & a few [[strikethrough]] fine [[strikethrough]] [[^very minute]] whitish hyaline sluggish lice.  Tip end when mature, bursts widely open, [[^laterally]] & turns brown.  A few yellow lice crawling on leaves outside. Of 11 opened, 9 contained lice.

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