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2 [[image - Black & white photograph of an old fort and lighthouse across water taken from a ship's deck, mounted with photo corners]] [[caption]]El Morro, at entrance of Habana harbor. [[pink printed paper card mounted with photo corners]] 1074 (9-32) UNITED FRUIT COMPANY TARJETA DE IDENTIFICACION DE PASAJERO DE TRANSITO POR CUBA IDENTIFICATION CARD OF PASSENGER IN TRANSIT THROUGH CUBA Nombre del pasajero Name of passenger ...Edward Chapin [[typed]]... Nacionalidad Nationality ...AMERICAN[[stamped]]... | Nombre del Vapor Name of Steamer ...QUIRIGUA[[stamped]]... Manifiesto No. Manifest No. ...2 [[typed]]... | Partida No. Line No. ...22 [[typed]]... Puerto de procedencia del pasajero Port of origin of the passenger ...NEW YORK [[stamped]]... _______________________________________________ AVISO: Esta tarjeta solamente es valida mientras el barco esté en puerto, si zarpase dejando el pasajero en tierra, deberá presentarse inmediatamente en las Oficinas de Inmigración. NOTICE: This card is only valid while the ship is in port. If ship sails leaving the holder ashore it should be presented immediately to the Immigration Office. Fecha Date ...JAN 24 1937[[stamped]] ... Firma del pasajero Passenger's signature...Edward Chapin.. [[signed in blue ink]] Sobrecargo Purser ...JAMES O. ACKERMAN PURSER... [[stamped]] [[caption]]Permit to go ashore while boat is in port.