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for the room and four meals. Tea certainly should count as a meal for there are almost always sandwiches, cake and tea. We put my baggage away and tea was served.
After tea, I remembered that I had forgotten to leave my stateroom key so we drove down to the dock with it. Then out to Hope Gardens to call on Edwards. Found him busy so we looked around a bit and then went back to the Wooler's. A very good dinner was served at 7.30 PM and afterward we all sat on the front porch and talked until 11.30 PM. To bed under a mosquito bar. It does not pay to screen houses on the island because the air is mostly damp and salt. So each bed is fitted with its own protective screen. To make the screen, one takes a good sized barrel hoop and attaches short ropes at the ends of the right diagonals. Then a sheet of mosquito netting is prepared about 25 ft. long by 7 ft. wide. The 25 ft. length is then attached to the hoop with many deep pleats so that it passes one and a half times around The hoop is closed by a circle of cloth, the ropes are drawn up and tied to serve as a support and the whole contraption is suspended above the center of the bed. When the bed is madeup, the bottom edge of the mosquito net is tucked in under the mattress and there is a three foot overlap along one side through which the occupant can enter. Properly adjusted, it certainly does keep the skeeters out.

[[photograph - lawn, building in background]]

The lawn at Hope Gardens, looking toward the administration building. The roadway is at the right and is bordered by palms of various species. Other specimen trees are planted along the outer border.