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[[photograph, top left - man standing at door, entomologist sign]] [[caption - W. H. Edwards]]

Jan. 28. First went into town to get some money changed into English and to make a few purchases. Ordered a light suit for social purposes, was measured and will have my first fitting tomorrow. Also bought a Wostenholm IXL pocket knife, a helmet and a dozen pony glasses for traps. Next we ran up to Hope Gardens where we collected a few spiders and other things. Sweeping didn't seem very good, everything too dry. So we went over to the Entomologist's Office to meet Mr W. H. Edwards. He has a single large room on the main floor of the building and perhaps some space on the floor above. Very little equipment and one assistant, a Mr Dixon. Edwards was the Government Entomologist on Mauritius before he came to Jamaica, apparently to follow C. C. Gowdey. Edwards proved to be very pleasant and promised as much help as he would be allowed to give. He then took us in to meet the Director of Agriculture. The Director is certainly the original Pain-in-the-Neck. He stood up to receive us (quite properly but he didn't need to be so formal about it) and hoped that we would have a pleasant and profitable sojourn on the island; that we would realize that his men were very busy and should not be disturbed too much We assured him that we did not wish to be bothersome and would not ask for any favors except in case of dire necessity. We left and when we got outside, Edwards apologised for the old fool and said he would help us all that he possibly could. He then invited us to take cocktails at his home the following

[[photograph, bottom right - large two-story stone building with two men at doorway]] [[caption - Entomology Laboratory]]