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[[Header]] UNITED STATES NATIONAL MUSEUM BUREAU OF AMERICAN ETHNOLOGY ASTROPHYSICAL OBSERVATORY NATIONAL ZOOLOGICAL PARK ALL CORRESPONDENCE SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE SECRETARY SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Washington, U.S.A. NATIONAL GALLERY OF ART FREER GALLERY OF ART INTERNATIONAL EXCHANGES [[/Header]] January 12, 1937 Friends and Correspondents of the Smithsonian Institution: The bearer of this letter, Dr. E. A. Chapin is Curator of Insects on the staff of the United States National Museum. Dr. Chapin is visiting Jamaica in pursuance of his official duties and the Smithsonian Institution will greatly appreciate any courtesies or facilities which may be extended to him in this connection. Very truly yours [[hand written signature]] CM Abbot [[/hand written signature]] Secretary [[Seal - FOR THE INCREASE AND DIFFUSION OF KNOWLEDGE AMONG MEN; SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION WASHINGTON 1846]]