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2. A copy of this Note will be sent to the American consular officer at the port of entry as soon as the date and place of arrival of Mr. Chapin are known to the Embassy, in order that the consular officer may discuss the question of free entry with the customs authorities. It should be noted that this Note sets forth certain requirements which Mr. Chapin should fulfill, namely: 1. Application at a Colombian consulate for a regular visa; 2. Sending to the Secretary of the Junta de Expediciones CientÃficas in Bogatá a report each month on the studies and investigations carried out during the previous month; 3. Sending duplicates of photographs and moving picture films and specimens collected to the Secretary of the Junta; 4. Making the necessary request of the competent Colombian authorities for t he exportation of specimens collected. It is requested that the Embassy be informed as soon as possible of the date and place of arrival of Dr. Chapin. Respectfully yours, Spruille Braden