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January 15, 1942.

Dr. Edward A. Chapin,
Curator of Insects,
U.S. National Museum.

Through: Dr. L. Stejneger.

Dear Dr. Chapin:

            In accordance with the accompanying letter of authorization you will proceed to Bogotá, Colombia where you will carry on studies and investigations at the Instituto de Ciencias Naturales at the Universidad Nacional, in cooperation with Dr. Armando Dugand, Director, and Dr. Luis Murillo, entomologist on the staff there.

            Your work will be concerned principally with studies in Coleoptera in which it is important for you to see Colombian material in the collections of the organization designated. You will also take every opportunity to collect insects for the U.S. National Museum during this work.

             In Bogotá you should call first on the American Ambassador to thank him for the facilities that he has arranged in connection with your visit to the country. Following this you should see Dr. Dugand, Director of the Instituto and then his assistants.

              I am giving you letters also to Dr. Augustín Nieto Caballero, Rector of the University, Dr. Jorge Ancísar-Sordo on the staff of the University and also Director of the Chemical Laboratories for the Government, and Hermano Apolinar-Maria for many years a correspondent of the Smithsonian Institution.

              You should take every opportunity to see local museums in and near Bogotá, and to make contact with any officers in the Department of Agriculture or elsewhere that may be interested in entomology. You have other contacts not mentioned that you will wish to develop.